Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Where the yellow bricks end ...

letter to Oz:

well, hi,

I am the mother of a boy
who is thinking about college
and I was wondering
if, maybe, I might also
try something
that I found out about
only tonight
and it seems perfect for me.
so you think,
you could grant me a "Gap Year?"

oh, is that right?
too long?
howabout 6 months?
oh, is that right?
well, can you check again
and just get back to me
with about when I might
be able to have a "gap"
thank you for listening
I've always believed in you,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Un-learn the Un-important

a friend once said
about walking in the woods -
that the woods help us
un-learn the un-important.
i so loved that
and still do

un-learning the un-important
seems way harder than learning the important
my predawn lesson
in my new buddha-in-training book
was about un-learning the vicious cycle
of confirming that we exist

well, it was too much trouble for me to "learn"
before i un-learn this lesson
so i'm writing down a thought

for me, i don't think about existing,
as much as mattering.
so i was thinking about times for me,
that are helpful.

the trail near my house seems helpful.
maybe the woods help me feel alive and well
and matter-able
without seeking any attention.
attention from the trees?
"Oooh, Annick came back?"
'tis good for me trees don't talk
cuz then the trail might not be as magical.

hubby says it may have to do with
expecting nothing from the trees,
that they wouldn't give freely.

and that sounds right, too.
and sweet.