Wednesday, September 28, 2011

be-ith thyself!

as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he
and ... be true to thyself!

today for the first time, I was observed by my supervisor
doing my first lesson plan.
I was so nervous beforehand.
so I asked my mentor if I could do it for her yesterday
and I did
and then she told me some real good advice
"annick, I don't want you to be me, be yourself, be who ever you are"

sheesh, like you don't have to tell me twice
so I mixed it up a bit and threw in some goofy transition songs
and it went well
and I had fun

and my supervisor today liked this lesson
she said i did "contingency" something well
and "proximity" something went smoothly
and I have no idea what that meant
but I saw she was happy

we finished up with "moving forward to our next observation"
and inside, I got all worried
and outside, I started to leak worry
and then I did a u-turn
a complete u-turn
and said "alright, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"

don't just be thyself
be thyself choosing wisely!

Monday, September 26, 2011

have something miss something share something

go ahead ...

ask me how many times I've read a book to little kids?
"ok, how many Annick?"
well, a lot; a whole lot of times
and you'd think I knew how to do this,
well, me too.

it's so simple - open, start, read, look out, read again
... the end

for a class this semester,
I have a project
involving the "concept of print"
well, what's the concept?
-what's a letter?
-what does it do?
-front of book/back of book
-read from left to write
-words carry meaning,
that one got me,
the concept of
"words carry meaning"
has to be taught ?!
well yah, it does

so I gots to thinking
that so many things are "rethinks" for me
that which seems to be so basic a fact
a given, really
in terms of what I know to be obvious
and to not require thinking or processing
(ooh, probably in a philosophy book about thinking)

but for someone else,
it could be a missing concept
and it needs to be taught

it brought me to a wish for me and my loves
so here's a New Year's hope ...
for the brilliance that we all have,
let us share it generously and kindly
and for all that we are missing,
let us be open for help and love

we are all someplace in our story
and I am grateful to have all of you in mine

written with love,